Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Book Learnin'

I love to read.  I read for pleasure every day, and sometimes stay up entirely too late because I'm reading and I can't put the book down.

With the advent of the "e-reader," I read even more - and all kinds of things that I probably wouldn't read otherwise.   Since I started running, I've been reading books on - you guessed it - running!  I actually started my running journey with a book called Run Your Butt Off.   It's similar in concept to the "Couch to 5K" plans that are everywhere, but it also focuses on nutrition, and has a more personal approach, IMO.

Other books that I've read (in no particular order) are:

Holy cow, when I write them all down like that, it seems insane.  But, I told you that I like to read. 

A lot of them I got to read for free (thank you, Amazon Prime!!), others I paid for.  A lot of them were repetitive, and some of them were written so long ago that it's actually amusing to see how much has changed.  All of them, though, were interesting in some way, and helpful in feeding my insatiable appetite for all things running related.    I think "Run to Overcome" was my favorite of the story/novel types - if any of you are Meb fans, you should check it out.  Of the "this is how to run" books....  I'm not sure which is my favorite.  I do know that I am not partial to Kara Goucher's writing (sorry, girl!) or Jeff Galloway's.  Other than that, they were all decent.  It just depends on what you're looking to get out of them, I guess. 

Have you read any running books? Do you think I'm crazy because I have?


  1. I'm a book addict. Currently reading Train Like A Mother. I prefer fiction, so it's been different trying to get into something that doesn't involve characters, dialogue and plot twists. However, reading is reading, and I think I will check out some of the books you've listed when I've finished TLAM.

    1. I usually prefer fiction, too, but I've been mildly obsessed with all things running lately. LOL

  2. I'm like Jennifer - I love to read but I pretty much only read fiction!! I used to buy all sorts of self-help books and stuff but never did much more than scan them.
    You have read a LOT of running books. And I read someone else's review of Kara Goucher's book - they weren't impressed either!
    I think that my Nook is the best thing ever!!!

    1. Yeah, I guess 25+ books is a lot, but it's been over the past 18 months, so it's not that many per month, if you average it out. LOL

  3. I'm so addicted to reading, one of my favorite places to go is a library. I also did my Master's in Literature. If you visit my blog you will see a "reading list" that is good but far from exhaustive. :-)

    1. I just looked at your list - even though I can't read French, I recognized some good books! =)

  4. Wow that's a lot of running books.
    TBH I have not read a running book in a long time. At the moment I'm really into health books like Paleo stuff.
    I had a mission to read 40 books this year. I had to change that goal in May cause I was already at 20 books. So it's now 52 books, but it's a combination of audio books, ebooks and normal books.
    I have all my books listed on good reads tool.
    I love my ebook though, so many books! I will never get bored.

    1. My husband has a book on the Paleo diet and I tried to read it but my eyes crossed within the first page. Too science-y for me. I need a "for dummies" version or something. =)

  5. Honestly had no idea there were that many books about running! I need to favorite this post and come back to it when I get a chance to read more! Even with the iPad, I'm having a hard time carving out time to read. It is one of my favorite things, though!

    1. There are a ton more that I haven't read, mostly because I don't want to go broke buying books when I have other things to spend money on... like race fees and new shoes. LOL If you have the Kindle app on your iPad, you can search through Amazon - there are SO MANY books! =)


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