Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Countdown to Cherry Blossoms

Despite the 8 inches of snow that we got Sunday/Monday, I am hopeful.  Spring will come. Temperatures will rise.  Flowers will bloom.  I will run without gloves. is helping me be hopeful.  Look:

Those are Spring-like temps, right?  There are little drawings of the sun and everything! 

One of the sure signs of Spring in the Washington D.C. Metro area is the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run, which this year will be held on April 6th.

Held every year since 1973, this race now draws tens of thousands of runners, including some very elite names.  Katherine Switzer was the women's winner in the inaugural race with a time of 1:11:19. Since then, winners have all run well under an hour.  This is a fast race.  In 2012, a Kenyan by the name of Allan Kiprono was the overall winner with a time of 45:15.  Feel free to say "Holy shit" out loud.  It's ok.  

I ran this race last year, hoping to just finish in a time that would not get me "swept."  I was in the purple corral, which, if you're wondering, is the very last one.  Seeding times go like this: 

I managed to finish in front of some of the green corral-ers (I have pictures to prove it!) and squeaked across the finish line in just under 2 hours.  I was thrilled, since that race was my first "long" race ever, and I had never run more than 9 miles prior to that day.   I think I will be in the green corral this year, but I'm not sure.  I might start with the purple people eaters no matter what, so I'm not sure if I care what my bib says.  Anyway.  I digress. 

This race lets you run  past hundreds of cherry trees while they have their gorgeous white and pink blossoms, and if the sun is shining, it's a glorious sight.  In fact, the National Cherry Blossom Festival in DC starts tomorrow.  (See - Spring IS coming.)  

Despite my extreme lack of training this winter, and the fact that the last three runs I've had have been horrible, awful, and no good, I'm really looking forward to this race.  (I also have Annie in my head now, and a little birdie is singing "The sun'll come out, tomorrow...")   

Are there any races that mean SPRING to you?  


  1. One of these years I need to run that race…

    I'm so ready for spring!

    1. It's a really nice race - you absolutely should!

  2. I ran it in 2012 and it was great! I'd love to go back and experience the festival properly though.

    1. I should probably do that sometime, too! LOL

  3. It's a 10 mile race? He ran 4:30 pace for 10 miles???? Yep, Holy Shit, is right!!
    I think you should get in whatever corral makes you feel the most comfortable - it's supposed to be fun! I think that would be a perfect way to welcome spring!!

  4. We have a "Dutch Days" race the first week of May that always seems "springy" to me even though it's often freezing cold still.

    Your race looks like fun! I really want to try a 10-miler.

    1. Freezing cold the first week of May? That's just not right! You need to move. LOL Then again, the way things are going this year, it may be cold here in May, too!

    2. I know, tell me about it!! I'd love to!!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Duplicate comment - I'm not censoring or anything! =)

    2. Sorry!! My computer was timing out so I wasn't sure if it posted!!


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