Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Sums

Today I'm going to start a new "tradition" of Sunday Sums.  This is purely for my own edification, but you can, of course, play along at home.  Previously, when I was training for the Green Mountain Half, I did weekly recaps of my training.  I'm not really training for anything right now, so much as trying to get back into a steady rhythm of running, but I'm still interested in the numbers.

So here it is:

9.15 miles
80 minutes doing workout dvds
70 crunches
33 burpees

Nothing stellar. But for "week 1," I think I'm doing pretty darn well.

PLUS!  I had the BEST run this afternoon.  Ok, it wasn't terribly fast and it probably wasn't very pretty, but I felt good.  Happy.  I ran a slow first mile, did fartleks for a mile, then ran a mile straight back home.  Nothing hurt.  It was a little rough, sure, because I'm out of shape and heavier than I should be.  But it was the best run I've had in ages, and I was just really happy to be out there.   Even if it did start doing this weird sleeting thing during the last mile.

It's nice to end the week on a happy note.  And I'm especially happy because now I'm in my jammies (even though it's only 4pm) and there is chili on the stove.  I predict it will be a good evening.

Before I go enjoy that evening, here's a little cute, just for you.


  1. Uhh...I think you had a great week - running + workout DVDs and the crunches and burpees are like a bonus!!! So glad you had a great run today!!!
    And, it's 5:00 here - no jammmies but sweats on and dinner in the crock pot with no more trips out in the snow today - perfect evening for sure!!!

    1. Thanks! =) I would have been in sweats but my "yoga" pants were in the wash so I just pulled on jammies instead. LOL

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That you are! Congrats on getting back into it.


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