Sunday, January 26, 2014

Just.... Dance?

Yesterday was another non-running day for me, for a variety of reasons.  I did another 20 minutes of the kickboxing dvd from Friday, and then in the afternoon we all headed into the basement for a little Xbox/Kinect fun.

Usually, Xbox time is the kids' Papa time.  (Papa = my husband)  But yesterday I decided we needed some family time, so we put in this gem: 

For those not familiar with the game, it's pretty simple.  You pick a song and then you imitate the dancers on screen.  The more accurate your movements, the more points you get.  Whoever gets the most points, wins.  

As I mentioned when I talked about the kickboxing dvd, I'm not always very coordinated and sometimes have trouble following along when movements are fast paced.  You'd think, then, that I would be terrible at this game.  Well, yes.  And no.  It's unfairly easy to "win" when playing against a 4 year old and a 6 year old. Though, to be fair, I did also beat my husband, so maybe I'm not as uncoordinated as I think. LOL  

After an hour or so of playing, I was exhausted and sweaty.  It also dawned on me that I'd just done more cardio playing with my kids than I had done doing my actual exercise dvd earlier.  I made the comment to my husband that it was a good workout, and he pointed out to me that there's actually a portion of the game that is set up to BE a workout.  

Even though I didn't specifically set a New Year's Resolution this year, I'm starting to realize that what I really want to promise myself is that I'm just going to move more.   

After all, I like to move it, move it.  Do you? 


  1. that is what I am trying to do this year..move my body more :) I figure it has got to be good for your right?!

  2. What a fun way to MOVE IT and spend some quality family time!!!

    1. I thought so! =) Plus I figure I only have a few more years till my kids decide it's totally "uncool" to be dancing with their mom. LOL

  3. We've been doing a lot of Just Dance this weekend too. My daughter wants to do the Aladdin song over and over...and over and over... I agree that game makes you work up a sweat!!

    1. I don't think I've heard that one - but we have a few that get played endlessly, too. =)

  4. I've played Just Dance with my daughter. I have no rhythm but it's still fun!

  5. Whatever works, right? Which is kind of why I like Zumba so much!


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