Monday, October 28, 2013

The Storm Before The Calm

Good gravy! What a crazy month October has been. I feel like I've had no time to do anything, we've been so busy. I can't believe Halloween is already here this week! 

Fortunately, things should be settling down now, and hopefully I will be getting back to my regular routine.  I've felt out of whack for two weeks now, and it's high time I got my stuff together.  Especially since the holidays are coming and I'm bound to end up busy again before I know it!

Tomorrow I'm going running for the first time in a week - hopefully my legs still remember what to do. It's no wonder I've been so nutty lately - I haven't been running to get the stress out! 

Anyone else feeling overwhelmed this time of year?


  1. Things are INSANE! I THINK things may start getting slower after Friday, but even with that, I still have so many things going on and so many weekends are booked. Busy is good, within reason, but running schedules have added a new dimension of busy to my vocabulary. Enjoy the calm!

    1. I'm still waiting for it to get here - but I'll try once it does! LOL

  2. I'm with you - I spent the last week sort of off - not sure why!!!
    Glad you are fixing to get back out for a run - you will probably really enjoy it!

    1. I ran without my watch yesterday - just a short 2 mile run, and I did enjoy it. Need to keep at it! =)

  3. A run should definitely help! I feel like time is standing still for me.


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