Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 9 Recap

So! Week 9 of my GMM Half Marathon Training is finished!  Not quite sure how that's possible, but in 5 weeks, I'll  be in Vermont, running through the middle of nowhere with 400 other people.  AND I get to meet some super awesome people that I've been talking to for the past year + on FB.  Yay for  meeting internet peoples! =)

What the week was supposed to look like:

  • Monday - Rest
  • Tuesday - 5 miles (speedwork)
  • Wednesday - Rest/Cross train
  • Thursday - 3 miles easy
  • Friday - Rest/Cross train
  • Saturday - 11 miles
  • Sunday - 2 miles easy 

What the week actually looked like:

  • Monday - Rest (I'm really, really good at Mondays!)
  • Tuesday - 5 miles of awesome
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - 2.07 miles (Shin and foot pain, totally caved and cut this one short)
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - 11 crazy miles, the last 4 of which were the fastest.  Who knew it takes me 7 miles to warm up? 
  • Sunday - 3.1 miles easy

Total Miles for the Week:  21.17  Whoot!

More things happened this week, and I know I'm being a slacker blogger, but I am exhausted and there is no way a coherent, interesting entry is happening tonight.  So, I leave you with this thought. 

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?  

No, really. I'm curious.  
Toodles !


  1. HaHa - I think that is a life-long question!!!
    Great week of running - my favorite for you is Tuesday - 5 miles of awesome!!!

    1. My favorite was Tuesday, too! Normally I'm not a big fan of speedwork - and I was dreading that day - but it turned out really well and I was proud of the effort. =)

  2. Love the "run it out" sign! I often feel best at the end of my longer runs, too. No matter if it's 6 miles or 10, I feel horrid until the halfway point. Weird!

  3. Congrats! I noticed it used to take me about 3 miles to warm up during half marathon training, but when I got to marathon training, it would take until almost 6!


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