Saturday, August 3, 2013

Runners and Walkers and Bikers, Oh My!

This morning I rolled my lazy self out of bed and hit the streets for my long run of the week.  7 miles on the schedule, and I was feeling tired and sluggish and just kind of blah.  It took me a solid three miles to start warming up, and even then I wasn't feeling great.   It was humid.  I was tired.  Blah, blah, blah.

Then I passed a guy who smiled and said "Good morning, again!"  (we'd crossed paths earlier) and I smiled back and said good morning, and just started to kind of magically feel better.  There were so many people out this morning - biking, walking, running - and I started to have this feeling of "This is my tribe.  These are my people."

Running is a solitary sport.  Even if you run with others, or in races, you are still on your own.  There are no "assists" in running.  You can't pass off the ball to someone else and have them score.  You are responsible for every step, every mile.  You and you alone are crossing the finish line.  (Ok, there are relays, but still.  You know what I'm saying!)   Yet there is such a great community among runners, an understanding between us - whether we're running to stay in shape, stay sane, or to bring home a trophy and a check.  We are all out there, pounding the pavement when others are still asleep.  We're sweating during long runs in weather that would keep most people in a chair drinking lemonade all day.  We seek each other out and have long conversations about Vo2Max or which is better, Gu or Shot Blocks.

My community of runners is mostly online.  I have found a home in the virtual world of running, and while I'm comfortable there and love the people that I've met, I've often wished for someone to run with or to sit and talk with without the assistance of a computer.

Today, my wish was granted when I discovered that a local running store is opening a new location practically in my backyard, and that they are holding weekly Saturday runs on the very same path/trail that I run on.  I am beyond thrilled, and can't wait.  Had I heard about this yesterday, I would have gone this morning, but of course I found out about it AFTER my run.  Next week I have the 5K and then I'm in DisneyWorld, but the weekend after THAT, I will be there.  Waiting in the morning sun for my tribe.

This isn't exactly my "happy dance," but it's close. LOL 


  1. WooHoo - I'm excited for you!!! Glad you will have a tribe of "real" runners not just virtual ones to keep you company.
    I had never thought of running the way you described it but it is so true - a runner is 100% responsible for every single step of every run - great post!!!

  2. What fun to join up with a group! There's a town about 50 minutes away that has a great group of regular runners, but I think that's just a bit too far to drive. I'm jealous yours is so close! Have fun!

  3. I always say hi to other runners! Even if not a real friend, still "when I see you my friend, it's like a rainbow coming round the bend!" It's a free bit of joy available to all of us just for being friendly!

    1. That's a great attitude! I usually say hello or wave at least, but sometimes folks around here are pretty focused and don't answer back. Oh, well. =)

  4. I don't ever like running until about mile 4 or 5. Congrats on the new running store/ group! Reminds me I still need to join mine.

    1. I like running at mile 2... if I'm running 2 miles. LOL Otherwise, yeah, it takes me awhile. =)


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