Wednesday, May 21, 2014

End Of An Era

Well, this is it.  My daughter's last day of preschool is tomorrow.  I won't lie, I'm heartbroken.  Completely shattered.

Since September, I've had every Tuesday and Thursday to myself.  I could run.  I could nap.  I could watch bad t.v.  I could eat nachos with no one judging me.   And now that's all over.  *sniffle*

Of course, I'm also sad because my daughter's growing up and blah blah blah.  But, really, I'm going to really miss having free time.  Damn kids.

Truth is, after this week, I'm going to have to seriously revamp how I schedule my training runs.  And considering that Endless Summer is a mere 9 1/2 weeks away (*insert hysterical crying here*), I can't really afford to be lazy.   I am envisioning a lot of early morning runs, and runs at night when the kids have gone to bed.  Which means I'm also envisioning a coffee i.v. because I do not handle lack of sleep well.  Mama needs her rest!

My daughter being finished with preschool also signifies something else.  It's the end of my time as a stay-at-home mom.  The job hunt starts soon, as I'd like to be employed once the school year starts.

Jeez, typing that hurt.  What a lie.  I would NOT like to be employed once the school year starts.  I have grudgingly agreed to attempt to be employed once the school year starts.  My husband has been the sole breadwinner for the past 7 years, and it's time I start pulling my weight.  *sigh*

Lots of changes coming up.  It really is the end of an era.


  1. Sounds like lots of changes are coming! What field of work were you in before?

    Good luck fitting the training in! I totally applaud my stay at home mother runner friends who do it! :) (well, everyone who does it, whether they have kids or not or whatever...) :)

    1. I worked as a Management Analyst for the FDA. Hoping to get back with the government, but we'll see!

    2. Oooo! Cool! I am a fed, too. Hope you get back with them, as well :)

  2. oh i can't imagine. huge changes. not just in routine or schedule... but an entire shift of identity. the unknown is so crazy scary. i hope that you find a perfect job that fits you and fulfills you!

  3. Wow - lots of changes coming your way for sure. I hope that if you end up working you find a job that you LOVE - that will make it so much easier!!!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it would make life so much easier!


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