Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 2

Someone replaced my calves with rocks. Holy moly! Now I remember why going nearly 3 weeks in between runs is not a good idea.  Jeez.  I need to get reacquainted with my foam roller and work these puppies out.  Yowser. 

So tight calves are the bad news.  The good news is that, as stated, I ran today!  Not far, certainly not fast, but I got out there and I am very happy about that.   I also did a few ab exercises when I got home, and had a nice salad for lunch, so I'm feeling good.   Granted, I really want a cookie, but I'm ignoring that impulse right now. LOL   

Yesterday I wrote down everything that I ate and drank, and today I'm doing the same thing.  I'll do that for the remainder of the week then take a look at it and see if I can make anything out of the info.  Times of day when I'm more prone to snacking, whether or not I'm getting enough water, etc, etc.   We'll see.  Overall I'm just trying to pay more attention to things, instead of just mindlessly going about my day. 

I'm also resisting the impulse to weigh myself.  I never used to weigh myself, ever.  Then somehow I got in the habit of getting on the scale every day.  Why in the hell do I do that?  It's crazy.  So, no more.  The focus needs to be on movement and health, and less on weight and size.  

Easier said than done, but ....  baby steps. 

How about you? Are you taking any  baby steps today? 


  1. WooHoo - great job on day 2!!! Even if you have 1 cookie you are doing awesome!!!
    Hope your calves del better after a bit of rolling!

    1. Thanks! I totally had the cookie. LOL Baby steps, right? And it was a little cookie. ;-)

  2. I am an everyday scale person too..I can't help myself! I've been trying to add more water and fruit to my day.

    1. Water is tricky for me. I just don't like drinking it! I've been adding Nuun to my water this week, that's helping me get it down! =)

  3. Hey, those are good steps. I weighed myself daily for years and years, and within the last year or so our scale broke so I quit. I am over it now. Although I think I've gained weight so maybe it's not good. Not sure! LOL I feel better about myself in general w/ out knowing my weight though.

    1. I think a lot of times we can get too interested in the number instead of how we feel, how our clothes fit, etc. Besides, we get weighed at the doctor's office, right? Once a year or so is plenty. LOL

  4. I get on the scale a few times a week. Keeps me honest since all my jeans have spandex in them...

    I'm planning to run outside today. Woot! And I should probably drink some water too...

    1. I hope you got your outdoor run in today! I did - gorgeous day out there! =)

  5. Congrats on your "baby steps"! My calves have been killing me for months. I'm still undecided on what I'm going to do today, so I'll just read blogs until I figure it out :)

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