Friday, February 7, 2014

"Calories, Calories!"

If you've ever see Steel Magnolias (how could you NOT?), then you might recognize my post title, and even hear it in the appropriate voice.  If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then just move along, nothing to see here... 

That's what they are, right?

Anyway.  I'm not even sure why I have calories on the brain, except that I probably consumed too many of them today.  I took my daughter to visit her grandmother and great-grandmother, and they offered to treat us to lunch at Panera.  Like I'm going to say no to THAT.    Really, it was a nice four-generational outing.  We don't do that often enough. 

Yesterday, my son had asked me if he could do my kickboxing dvd with me while my husband took my daughter to dance class tonight.  I enthusiastically said yes.   Fast forward 24 hours to my son doing approximately 3 seconds of the warm up, and wandering off to play Legos.  LOL  I don't blame him, really, an exercise DVD with me is not nearly as fun as his real taekwondo class.   I'm just pleased that he showed an interest in something I'm doing, even if it was a total "goldfish" moment.  (Oooh look, a castle! Oooh look, a diver!) 

I did all three sections of the Cardio Kick DVD this time (previously I'd only done the first two sections).  I have to say, I'm not a fan of the third section.  It's the "core" workout, and I just found it a little odd.  She kept talking about pulling my navel into my spine.  And she wanted me to breathe while doing this?!  LOL  I guess I just need practice.  Still, 30 minutes left me sweaty but with enough energy left to do Day 3 of the Burpee Challenge.  7 Burpees! Yay me. =) 


The REALLY good thing about doing my workout just now is that I'm all sweaty and while I will shower, I'm feeling too lazy to put regular clothes back on (I'll just get into jammies), so that means that I will not be heading to Baskin Robbins, even though I discovered today that my favorite all time ice cream is back in stock.   I swear, I squealed out loud AND posted to Facebook today when I found out.  But I'm gonna be a good girl and not go get any today.  I'm  half hoping that if I hold out long enough, it'll be gone again.  (Though, I'll probably cry.  It's been a few years, and I really freaking love this ice cream.)

Oh, World Class Chocolate, how I love you so.  

Oh, jeez, it's a good thing I'm not even hungry right now, or that picture might send me over the edge.  Anyway.......... 

Are there any food items that you have trouble passing up?  If not, please lie because I don't want to know perfect people. LOL 


  1. Many foods for me - potato chips are the top of the list right there with wine!!!

    1. Your plastic wine glasses were in my dream last night! LOL

  2. Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies ....

  3. Cheese. Last night at the grocery, I sadly realized I bought 5 different kinds. . yikes!

    1. Hey, there's no shame in that. LOL Love cheese! =)

  4. I love love love cheese. And I'm so missing it at the moment, damn you whole30!

    1. I know a few people who have done Whole30.... No way I could do it. Good for you! =)


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