Sunday, October 6, 2013

Trail-ing Behind

Due to the fact that I have awesomely courageous and talented friends, I'm always hearing about Ultra races and/or trail races and am continually thinking "Man, I wish I could do that!"   A few days ago, a friend mentioned the Stump Jump 50K race in Chattanooga, TN, and I immediately said "I'm in!"   Granted, I would be doing the 11 mile accompanying race, not the actual 50K - and I still need to figure out funds and logistics, but I really want to do the race.  

Of course, after I told my friend I wanted to do it, I immediately realized that I know NOTHING about running on trails, and Tennessee is not exactly flat........ and I don't run on hills.  Hmm.  But! I have 12 months to train for this race, so who says I can't start to run hills?  And explore trails?

So I turned to trusty Google, and found that there are actually quite a few 50M and 50K trail races held in Maryland.  While I'm not up to running in one yet, I can scope out the courses to train on!  Whee!  LOL  

After I get back from Vermont, I will be checking out Jug Bay, an area close to me that I've never even heard of before now that apparently has some cool trails.  They even have a 5K trail race in November......  Surely I can do a 5K trail race, right?  That's baby steps, isn't it? =)  

I'm excited to have something to work towards, even if I'm not 100% sure that I'll be able to do the race in Chattanooga next fall.  Regardless, I have a feeling I'm in for some adventure! 


  1. I love it!! So exciting!! You will totally be able to do it and I can't wait to follow your progress!!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to trying! =)

  2. Trail running is SO great. I adore it! Unfortunately, trail races aren't as common around here as road 5k's or I'd do more of them! Good luck training for your race!

    1. Thanks! I'm really excited. Also grateful that I have a year to train. LOL

  3. That sounds awesome. Trails runs/ races are not for me, but I'd love to hear what you think!

    1. Thursday should be my first trail run, if all goes well. So I guess we'll see! =)


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