Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 12 Recap

I know I say this every week, but how is it possible I'm writing another one of these things?  I didn't realize time could actually speed up.  I thought that was the whole point of time - that it's constant...  Well, except for Daylight Savings Time, but don't get me started on that.

So.  Two weeks from today, I will be running the Half Marathon at the Green Mountain Marathon in South, Hero, Vermont.  In my last post, I told you how gorgeous Vermont is.  In case you've forgotten, here:

Granted, that picture could have also been taken in Maryland, but in order to get through some rough days lately, I've been rewarding myself with the thoughts that Vermont is BETTER than Maryland, and I just have to hang on to get there! =)

So.  Week 12 of GMM Training.   It was supposed to look like this: 

  • Monday - Rest
  • Tuesday - 5 speed
  • Wednesday - Rest/Cross Train
  • Thursday - 5 easy
  • Friday - Rest/Cross Train
  • Saturday - 12 miles
  • Sunday - 3 miles easy
What it actually looked like: 

  • Monday - Rest
  • Tuesday - Rest
  • Wednesday - 2.25 painful miles (shin issues)
  • Thursday - 5 strong miles (running is a fickle beast!)
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - 12 awesome freaking miles.  So happy with this run! 
  • Sunday - 3 miles not so easy. Blah. 
Weekly total:  22.25 miles! 

This was the first week that I deviated wildly from my training, on purpose.   Well, except for the week we spent at Disney, but I had approval from my coach to take it easy that week if I wanted to.  It's not like I didn't do over 40 miles of walking on that trip anyway!   Anyway, after my freak-out over the weekend, I needed an extra rest day on Tuesday, and on Wednesday I'd decided not to try to make up the speedwork, even before I started running and realized my shins were PISSED at me.   It seems weird now, though, that I really only have one week of training left before my taper, and then, boom - the race.   

It also seems weird that after Oct. 13th, I will not have a set schedule to follow any more.  On the other hand, I am so looking forward to being more flexible.  So we'll see.  I do want to stress that my coach, Erin, is freaking AWESOME, and if anyone is looking for a coach, I would highly recommend her.  It just turns out that for me, right now, coaching is not what I need.  I do not regret the experience, though, and I am convinced she's helped make me a stronger runner.

Monthly total miles:  85.42 - a personal best by about 20 miles.  Niiiice. =)   Next month the mileage will be much lower, which I will appreciate, but I will be honest - I kinda love the fact that I've run this much this month.  Makes me feel slightly.... something.  I want to say Badass, but it's not THAT badass.  It's badass for ME, but not for others.  But, as I keep reminding myself, "Comparison is the thief of joy!"  So.  It's badass.  Yay me. =)


  1. Awesome! And I love that quote! It's so true.

    You are absolutely badass and you are going to kick butt!

  2. I think the fact that your 12 miles was awesome says a lot!!! And of course the next day was rough - makes sense!!! You are going to do great!!

  3. Woohoo for an awesome 12- miler! That's all you need right there! You are definitely right about running being so fickle. How can one day be amazing and the next so horrible, and vice versa??

    1. It makes no sense! But at least it helps me not get discouraged on the bad days - I know a good one is likely around the corner! =)


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