Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sweating it Out

What's the expression - "Feed a cold, Starve a Fever?"  How about Sweat a Cold?  Can that be the new one?  Yesterday I was lamenting my current illness and saying woe is me, I can't run.  Sob, sob.   Today I decided to get off my duff and see what happened when I put running shoe to pavement.

In the 5 minutes before I left the house, I used 10 tissues, and I'm not even exaggerating.  During the 37 minutes that I was running, I stopped to blow my nose ONCE.  Apparently my body was too busy producing sweat to produce phlegm.  Awesome.

If I had known how much better I was going to feel after a run, I wouldn't have skipped my workout on Tuesday.  After all, I only had 2 miles on the schedule.  I can do almost anything for 25 minutes!  Why not run?  So, I know for next time.  Sometimes, pushing through is the best way to go.

(Granted, it's now 4:34 pm, my nose is stuffy, I'm coughing my head off, and I'm exhausted, but man did I feel good for a few hours earlier today!)

Onward and upward.



  1. I'm glad the run helped temporarily. I hope that by tomorrow you start to feel better - summer colds are the worst!!!

    1. Thanks! Last night was rough (kept waking up coughing) but hopefully it's on its way out!

  2. I loathe summer colds.

    I'm glad you felt a little better, but make sure you give your body that rest it needs to get better.

    1. I've been resting - it's just not as easy as it was pre-kids! =)

  3. Glad you went! I hate summer colds, too. Those should be against the law somehow.


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