The presents have been unwrapped, the Lego sets have been built, and our Elf has flown back to the North Pole. Christmas is technically over. Of course, the house is still decorated, and there are new toys strewn everywhere, and I may never get all the tinsel out of the carpet. But what I'm really left with, after all the ho-ho-ho'ing, is a sense of calm.
I had written a post about all my failures in 2013 that I was going to post after Christmas, but then Christmas came and I realized I didn't feel that way anymore. My husband, whom I honestly take for granted entirely too often, gave me the "usual" gifts. Then he gave me something incredible - the gift of faith.
Not faith as in religion, but faith in
me. He gave me this:
(Not my photo) |
Inside the box, he wrote me a note. It said "Self doubt is the killer of all ambition. Never doubt what you can do. I love you."
So, my only "resolution" for 2014 is to try to believe in myself more. I give up way too easily, and it's partly due to the fact that I don't believe that I can do things. Really need to work on that.
So, 2013 didn't turn out the way I thought it would - but it's ok. You stumble, you fall, you learn, you get back up again. 2014 is a blank slate - and it's up to me to believe that it will be great.